Top 10 GitHub Commands Every Developer Should Know

08 Jan 2025 03:35 PM

Top 10 GitHub Commands Every Developer Should Know

GitHub is a powerful tool for developers to collaborate, track changes, and maintain codebases. To leverage its full potential, understanding the underlying Git commands is essential. Below is a detailed guide to the top 10 Git commands, including their purpose, syntax, and step-by-step explanations.

1. git init


Initializes a new Git repository in your project directory, enabling Git to start tracking changes.


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to your project folder.
    cd /path/to/your/project
  2. Run the following command to initialize a Git repository:
    git init
  3. Git creates a hidden .git directory where it stores all metadata and versioning information.

Tip: Use git init only once per project. For existing repositories, skip this step and use git clone instead.

2. git clone


Downloads an existing repository from GitHub (or any remote Git server) to your local machine.


git clone <repository-URL>


  1. Find the repository URL on GitHub. Example URL:
  2. In your terminal, run:
    git clone
  3. Git creates a local copy of the repository in a new folder named after the repository.

Tip: Use git clone <URL> <custom-folder-name> to specify a different folder name.

3. git add


Stages changes (new, modified, or deleted files) to prepare them for a commit.


  • Add a specific file:
    git add <file-name>
  • Add all files in the current directory:
    git add .


  1. After making changes to files, check which files have been modified:
    git status
  2. Stage the changes:
    git add .
  3. Run git status again to confirm the files are staged.

Tip: Staging files lets you commit them selectively.

4. git commit


Captures a snapshot of the staged changes, marking a version in your project’s history.


git commit -m "Your commit message"


  1. Ensure changes are staged using git add.
  2. Write a meaningful commit message describing your changes:
    git commit -m "Fix login bug and improve error messages"

Tip: Use git commit -am "message" to stage and commit changes in a single step (only for tracked files).

5. git status


Shows the current state of your working directory and staging area.


git status

Output Information:

  • Untracked files: Files that Git doesn’t yet manage.
  • Changes not staged for commit: Modified files that aren’t staged.
  • Changes to be committed: Files staged and ready for commit.

Tip: Use this command frequently to stay informed about the status of your repository.

6. git pull


Fetches the latest changes from the remote repository and merges them into your local branch.


git pull origin <branch-name>


  1. Identify your current branch using:
    git branch
  2. Pull updates from the remote repository:
    git pull origin main

Tip: Resolve any merge conflicts that may arise using a merge tool or manually.

7. git push


Uploads local changes to a remote repository, making them accessible to collaborators.


git push origin <branch-name>


  1. Commit your changes using git commit.
  2. Push changes to the remote branch:
    git push origin main

Tip: Use git push -u origin <branch-name> when pushing a new branch for the first time.

8. git branch


Manages branches, allowing you to work on different features or fixes simultaneously.


  • List all branches:
    git branch
  • Create a new branch:
    git branch <branch-name>
  • Delete a branch:
    git branch -d <branch-name>


  1. Create a branch for a new feature:
    git branch feature-login
  2. Switch to the new branch:
    git checkout feature-login

Tip: Keep your main branch clean by merging completed features into it.

9. git checkout


Switches between branches or restores a specific file to its last committed state.


  • Switch branches:
    git checkout <branch-name>
  • Restore a file:
    git checkout -- <file-name>


  1. Switch to an existing branch:
    git checkout main
  2. Restore a modified file to its previous version:
    git checkout -- index.html

Tip: Use git switch (a newer command) instead of git checkout to switch branches.

10. git merge


Combines changes from one branch into another.


git merge <branch-name>


  1. Switch to the branch you want to merge changes into:
    git checkout main
  2. Merge the changes from another branch:
    git merge feature-login

Tip: Resolve conflicts during a merge by manually editing conflicting files.

Bonus Commands

  1. git log: View commit history.

    git log

    Use git log --oneline for a concise summary.

  2. git diff: Compare changes between commits or branches.

    git diff
  3. git stash: Temporarily save changes without committing.

    git stash

    Restore changes later using:

    git stash apply

Mastering these commands will not only help you navigate GitHub more effectively but also make you a more efficient collaborator in any project. Practice using them in real-world scenarios to solidify your understanding!